Happy Supporting Ellenor Hospice
Happy To be Supporting The CycloPark
Happy To be Supporting Huggins Charity Trust




The Manor is firmly committed to a sustainable business strategy based on a respectful attitude towards the environment, our employees and the community. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint, reduce wastage,save energy and support local organisations charity. We have Highlighted below some of our practices and stratergies

Carbon Footprint

  • We strive to minimize the use of plastic .
  • Bio-degradable to-go packaging for foods & beverages as well as eco-friendly catering supplies are being introduced
  • We purchase goods with less packaging and practice purchasing optimization by using minimal local suppliers reducing delivery milage and multiple deliveries.
  • Food waste policies are in place that include education, food waste prevention, reduction, recycling and disposal.
  • Encourage guests to have green days by not servicing their romms daily and not washing Towels daily, making water savings.
  • Capture guest ideas and suggestions for recycling and waste reduction solutions.

Practices to save energy

  • All rooms are equipped with double-glazed windows Individual radiator thermostats
  • We are regularly checking refrigeration units sealing to prevent greenhouse gas losses, controlling room temperatures and replacing air conditioner filters and room convectors
  • We highlight the importance of reduced linen & towel change frequency to use less energy and water.
  • Led Lighting planned to be installed through out the building
  • In House Laundry is run with latest washing equipment and washing dosage system and practices 
  • Latest Commercial Eco Valliant boilers with hot water storage tanks and heat exchangers fitted.
  • Maintenance and service contracts for all boiler and heating systems.
  • Encourage staff and guests to turn off lights and tv's when not in use


  • All of our waste and rubbish is recycled,with limited landfill and recyclable polies in place
  • Unwanted furniture and fittings donated to British Heart Foundation and local charities.
  • Paper registartion forms converted to online version and guest directory available via QR Code.
  • Menus also available on hotel App and QR.
  • Hotel paper reports kept to a minimum store electronically. 
  • Food wastage monitored and recorded single serve products used where possible.

 Supporting the community

  • We continue to support the Ellenor Hospice for as long as they need it with the current situation and beyond their build program. We  continue to assist in the fund-raising activities with the use of our facilities.
  • Nick Wilde is on the board of Trustees of Huggins Cottages creating housing for the homeless ex mitary service by offering his time and skillset. Having completed phase one of the build of 14 new Two-Bedroom Apartments we now have to seek funding and move on to phase 2 and 3 of the project which will probably be ongoing for the next 2 years. we will also offer support in the managing of the habited properties. We have committed to using time and resource of the Manor to assist in completing this project. 
  • We work closley with CycloPark charity offering special rates for event accomodation and supporting supprot staff during event weekends .
  • We make monthly donations to Donkey sanctury for rescued donkeys.

 Reducing our impact on the environment

  • Guests are encouraged to reduce their ecological footprint by reusing their linens and towels, maintaining a recommended room temperature and minimizing waste
  • Suppliers and partners that share the “Fair Trade” ethics and approaches to sustainability are preferred
  • We are replacing all printed brochures in guest rooms with an online Guest Directory
  • Grease traps are installed on kitchen wastewater.

Our Team

  • We currently employ a mix of full time & part time staff with 50% of them having been employed here for 10 years.
  • The hotel employs approx. 20 team members, and all team members live within 5-mile radius.
  • Our current rates of pay are above the National living wage and staff are enrolled into a pension scheme.
  • we have an open door policy where team memebers are able to talk or raise any issues including mental health issues that may concern them or anybody else.
  • Recruitment is undertaken by word of mouth throughout our team in the first instance this has be found to be very succesful as new team members already have a connection and are commited from thier first shift.
  • We offer full training and contiued team meetings to improve our service to guests encourage all ideas and veiws of both the team am and our guests.